FEATURES insider APRIL AUTO CARE VO LU M E 110 The editorial staff of Auto Care Insider is always looking for ideas for news and features about the industry. If you have any suggestions, please contact Stacey Miller at 301.654.6664 or email stacey.miller@autocare.org. /autocareorg /autocareorg /autocareorg tiny.cc/autocareorg_linkedin NATIONAL CAR CARE MONTH 10 CAR CARE COUNCIL MAKING MEDIA MILESTONES April's National Car Care Month is the ideal time for the Car Care Council to draw attention to consumers taking care of their vehicles. The Car Care Council's communication efforts to make consumer education effective span across the media spectrum and the country. 24 A CRASH COURSE IN COLLISION REPAIR The newly-released 2018 Digital Collision Repair Trends report provides a comprehensive look at the size and scope of the industry's collision repair sector with the latest available data from the association, government and independent research sources.http://www.twitter.com/autocareorg http://www.facebook.com/auocareorg http://www.youtube.com/autocareorg http://www.tiny.cc/autocareorg_linkedin