INDUSTRY NEWS AUTO CARE LEADERSHIP: TACKLING TRENDS AND LEADING THE INDUSTRY 2018 SPRING LEADERSHIP DAYS AND YANG LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE THE Auto Care Association's Spring Leadership Days took place May 9-11 at the Marriott Marquis in Atlanta. The association's biannual event brought together volunteers, association members, and professional staff from across the industry and the country to discuss leading issues and initiatives currently affecting our membership and the industry at large. A new educational session was also added to the lineup to inform attendees of the risks and the rewards ADAS presents to the industry and their businesses. The 2018 YANG Leadership Conference followed on May 11-12 and gathered young professionals under the age of 40 to enhance leadership skills, sharpen global perspectives of the auto care industry and develop new relationships with peers. Takeaways from worldclass speakers included working across multi-generational workforces, how to communicate with influence and how to master confidence. For more information on future Leadership Days events, visit 24 AUTO CARE INSIDER | VOL. 111