DEBRA FRANKLIN LCI AND FOUNDER OF BICYCLE OVEN COMPANY AND BUS DRIVER FOR THE CHARLOTTE (NC) AREA TRANSIT SYSTEM Why did you become an LCI? In Charlotte, grown adults were getting hit by motorists, either on a bike or walking. And I'm a bus driver in the city of Charlotte, I wanted to do something about this. I went to other groups in the city and saw that there was a need for someone to address bicycle safety. I started to do research and I found out about the League. I felt that the LCI training was very important, so I traveled to an LCI seminar in Florida. There are certain things you have to do right. So if I'm going to tell you to bicycle as a form of transportation, I have to let you know how to do it correctly. The LCI training gave me those skills and knowledge. What are the most important things you learned from LCI training? The funny thing about that question is because I'm a bus driver I'm trained to drive, and before you're trained, you think you're driving correctly, but once you get that training you realize that you were doing lots of things wrong. The LCI training made me understand what I needed to be doing as a bike rider and how to communicate that to others. If I'm going to teach someone else how to ride a bike, I need to be on the same page with other teachers. The Smart Cycling program is our platform to do that. WINTER 2018 BICYCLE FRIENDLY AMERICA 13