in the State's Strategic Highway Safety Plan. Most states have already taken one or more of these five actions, but the League sees each action as an important baseline for ensuring that each state's department of transportation and legislature recognize the many benefits of bicycling and provide its citizens opportunities to ride on safe bicycle routes. By taking these actions, each state provides a basis for statewide cooperation on issues important to bicycling and support the nationwide effort to develop best practices for bicycle safety, infrastructure and planning. Complete Streets Policy Safe Passing Law 2015 Bike Plan in Last Decade 2017 SHSP Emphasis Area 2% Fed Funds Spent 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Nu mb e r of States Tak in g Eac h B I C YC L E F R I E N D LY A C T I O N Smart Options FOR BICYCLE ENCOURAGEMENT Engineereed for extended product life, made in U.S.A. Bicycle B icyc Lockers now available with w ith mobile app for digital access. a cce Contact us for further iinformation. nfor 616-954-9977 616 26 BICYCLE FRIENDLY AMERICA