T H E M A N Y C A R S O F N C C (Above Left) Vu Nguyen's 1999 Porsche 911 at an NCC autocross, photo by Jaclyn Heck. (Above Right) Wayne Watkins' 1975 BMW 3.0CSi in Fjord Metallic Blue. (Above Left) This member fit all of his HPDE gear and accommodations for the NCC Jefferson HPDE weekend in his M Coupe! Photo by Dave Sossamon. (Above Right) Vu Nguyen's 2002 Harley Davidson V-Rod. (Above Left) Vu Nguyen's 1983 320is. (Above Right) Vu Nguyen's 1989 Suzuki Carry - Arigato. 28 derBayerische