der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 32
L E A S I N G A 2 0 2 1 B M W X 3 3 . 0
A few years ago, we reviewed the
current-generation X3, comparing
and contrasting it to our 2017 X3.
You may recall that when our 2017
(F25) X3 was purchased, we wanted
to wait for the 2018 (G01) model.
Of course, events prevented us from
waiting another year. Our review of
the F25 X3 declared it to be " just
right " while our review of the G01 had
us wishing that we could have waited.
In fact, we declared the G01 X3 to be
" The Best. "
Our major attraction to the G01
X3 was how its driving characteristics
evoked memories of driving the E46 3
Series. In our opinion, even after five
years of competing in the same
market segment as the newer and
twice-as-expensive Porsche SUVs
(I can't believe that I just wrote
Porsche and SUV together in the
same sentence), the G01 BMW X3 3.0
is still the best-driving SUV (SAV) in
its class.
Launched in 2018, the G01 X3 is
due for a mid-cycle update in 2022.
While mid-cycle updates tend to be
cosmetic, we would have liked to
have waited for the 2022 model.
But, again, we found ourselves
requiring a replacement much sooner
than we would have preferred.
There is a significant financial
appeal to buying or leasing a vehicle
at the end of its model life cycle.
Since the OEM shuts down the
assembly line to re-tool for the new
model, the OEM works with the dealers
to ensure that they have a significant
number of the soon-to-bediscontinued
models to sell while
waiting for the new models to become
available. Incidentally, these models
are equipped based on sales data and
by monitoring BMW's " Build Your
Own " website.
Since neither the OEM nor the
dealers want a significant number of
the older models in inventory when
the new models arrive, tactics such as
making popular optional equipment
standard (Android Auto smartphone
connectivity, SiriusXM satellite radio,
and Active Driving Assistant package,
which includes driver assistance
equipped 2021 version was a little
over $2,000. By the way, that is the
trade-in value of our 2007 X5, which
had an MSRP of $60,300 in 2007.
Our youngest daughter will enter
college in 2023. As with most
colleges, she most likely will not be
allowed to have a vehicle on campus
until her junior year. This coincides
with the same timeframe that we
anticipate having to decide whether
we would like to purchase that X3 at
lease end. If we do, that well-maintained,
well-loved X3 will become her
car. And we will move on to our next
BMW, whatever that may be.
Long-term ownership of BMWs
(Top) Does this look like a car that has been driven nearly 180,000 miles?
(Above) The " trade-in " condition of our 2007 X5.
features such as lane-departure warning
and blind-spot monitoring) with
no price increase, as well as lowinterest
financing and low-cost shortterm
leases, are implemented.
Three weeks after ordering our
2021 X3, it arrived at our preferred
BMW dealership: BMW of Alexandria.
For a variety of reasons, they have
earned our loyalty. While we all found
our custom-ordered vehicle to be
stunning, I was more stunned that
in the six years between our two
X3s (the 2017 X3 was
purchased in 2016), the MSRP
difference between that and the bettermay
be a thing of the past. Rapidly
changing automotive technology will
continue to adversely impact the DIY
market. As long as BMW does not
further degrade their once class-leading
complimentary maintenance
program, short-term leases may be
the best way (financially) for the BMW
faithful to keep on top of the automotive
design and technology trends.
Perhaps these short-term leases
should be better considered as threeyear
test drives!
One more thing - remember my
article on the benefits of participating
in the local BMW Ultimate Driving
Experience? That $1,000 certificate
came in quite handy for this unforeseen
der Bayerische July/August 2021
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of der Bayerische July/August 2021
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - Intro
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - Cover1
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - Cover2
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 1
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 2
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 3
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 4
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 5
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 6
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 7
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 8
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 9
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 10
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 11
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 12
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 13
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 14
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 15
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 16
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 17
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 18
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 19
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 20
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 21
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 22
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 23
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 24
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 25
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 26
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 27
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 28
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 29
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 30
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 31
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 32
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 33
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 34
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 35
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - 36
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - Cover3
der Bayerische July/August 2021 - Cover4