Magazine of the National Capital Chapter BMW Car Club of America Welcome to the January/February issue of der Bayerischemagazine! With winter weather here and fewer events to attend, it is a good time to read about some of our past events and plan ahead to attend them in the future. From tours to test drives, we are confident that you'll find what will interest you. Don't forget to re-check the NCC BMW CCA calendar on our website regularly for newly posted events. When visiting our advertisers' facilities, please mention that you saw their ad in der Bayerische! NCC X5 lineup at Yard House, Tysons Galleria, the new location for NoVA Socials. Photo by Todd Bacastow. If you're interested in joining the largest single-marque club in the world, visit For online help, see the " ? " icon in the top right corner of the toolbar. Note that the glowing, pulsating pictures and text indicate live hyperlinks that will take you directly to the item of interest. This DigiTal PublicaTion is broughT To you by: Mercury Publishing services, inc.