V I R T U A L G A R A G E S E R I E S : G R O U N D - U P G A R A G E B U I L D S ■ (Above from Left) Jim and Diana's garage - before. Jim and Diana's garage - after. Photos by Jim York. ■ (Above) Dual American Custom Lifts single-post car lifts and Jim's 2009 E92 M3 in Le Mans Blue Metallic. Photo by Jim York. Crivy's Garage Crivy's Garage was born out of James Crivellone's passion for working on BMWs and the necessity to store his ever-growing collection of cars and new projects. Designed over a beer one night in 2019 in Google SketchUp, James had the goal of creating a larger detached garage to serve as a workJanuary I February 2025 shop that would complement his existing house and three-car garage. Key features the garage would need to include were 16-foot ceilings for auto lifts and storage, the ability to store six vehicles without movement, easy access to the shop area, and full climate control. James has a background in technology so full integration with home automation and audio/video was also a must for him. If you think this sounds like an ambitious garage build, you are right. Here's the other aspect that's so impressive - James tackled this as a DIY project! Using the design he drew in 2019 and engineered by a local firm, James submitted for permits in 2020. He broke ground in January 2022 and had cars parked inside by June 2022. The overall size of Crivy's Garage is 44' x 56' with a 24' x 24' upstairs loft. He ran into some interesting technical challenges along the way such as getting the building material up a steep and narrow driveway, running power from the end of his property, and material shortages encountered in 13