N C C C L U B R A C E R S - H O M E T R A C K A D V A N T A G E on Saturday ended early due to incidents resulting in a red flag. NCC racers represented our Chapter well across many different classes of cars. Todd Brown took two overall wins in #800 C-Mod E46 M3. His son, Sean, took three class wins in M2 Spec in #802 F87 M2 CSR. Bill Bass (#074) and Mike Saul (#595) each took one class win in I-Sport, driving E36 M3s. Tina Leone took second place in I-Prepared during Friday's race, driving #51 E36 M3. Keith Primozic took two class wins in the Power to Weight Ratio PWR3 class, driving #072 E36 M3. Dennis Pippy took two class wins in D-Mod in #103 E30 M3. In what is arguably the most competitive class, Spec E46, NCC racers Matt Stover (#150) and Jeff Quesenberry (#8) each took two wins, with Scott Reiman (#177) taking podium spots in all four races. NCC HPDE Instructor Tim Bradford served as the Lead Tech Steward. NCC Club Racing Chairman Mike Saul was presented with the Spirit of Club Racing award for his efforts in organizing the event. ■ (Below) Mike Saul (Center) chases Carter Rise through Turn 6. Photo by Susan Dobson. (Middle) NCC Club Race Chairman Mike Saul receives the Spirit of Club Racing award from Competition Steward Phil Abrami. Photo by Susan Dobson. (Bottom) Rooster Hall Racing's Todd Brown (#800 C-Mod) executes a pass in Turn 4. Photo by Susan Dobson. 20 derBayerische