derBayerische November December 2022 - 28

T E A M D A N G E R A N D T H E 2 4 - H O U R C H A M P C A R E N D U R O
■ (From the Left) Scott Hoffman and Hannah Pirpiris griilin' up some grub. This shows just about half of the crowd lined up at the wall waiting for the finish.
won't have a bathroom break. Pull on
your firesuit, Nomex socks, fireresistant
racing shoes, gloves, balaclava,
and helmet with communicator
headset. Now, it's showtime! Your
co-driver pulls into the pit. You and
the crew hop over the jersey barrier.
Help your co-driver out of the car
while the crew refuels the car from
five gallon jugs, with fire extinguisher
and catch-can at the ready. Once your
co-driver is out of the car, it's time for
you to get in. Swing one leg over the
roll cage, grab the top of the rollbar
with both hands, get the other leg into
the car, and then swing your body into
the seat. Adjust the seat fore-and-aft
so you can reach everything, then
buckle the five-point harness (which
is challenging, since you can't see
what you're doing with a helmet on;
you have to feel your way.) Reattach
the removable steering wheel. Your
mates plug your communicator headset
from your helmet into the cord for
the in-car two-way radio and attach
the driver's-side window net.
Meanwhile, the crew has finished
refueling the car, and they've checked
the tire pressures and the engine's oil
level. They close the hood, and
the crew chief shouts for you to start
the car.
The mandatory minimum length
of time for each pit stop that includes
a driver change is five minutes. Five
minutes is equivalent to two laps.
The ideal pit stop time is four minutes
and 45 seconds, leaving the last 15
seconds to drive to pit out, where the
race organizers will oblige you to stop
while they give you and the car a final
look-over and remove the pit stop
timer from the roof of your car. (The
pit stop timer looks a lot like an egg
timer with a magnet on the bottom,
because it is an egg timer with a magnet
on the bottom.) Thumbs up. Go!
Stay right (on the " blend line " )
all the way to turn one, since you're
merging with high-speed traffic that's
already on the track. The skills you've
been developing for years are now
pretty much second nature, especially
on a track that you're already familiar
with. Look ahead, think ahead.
Approaching corners, enter wide,
apex tight, let the car track out.
In slow, out fast. Trail brake, rotate
the car, back on the gas. Drive
smoothly, stay out of trouble. Check
your mirrors, Jack, and let faster cars
go by. Rinse and repeat.
During this first stint, the
biggest challenge was the setting
sun. On the west-facing legs, especially
from turns two to three, and to a
lesser extent at the Oak Tree corner,
■ (From the Left) Roman Boroday and Kiran Kuna in the hot pits on this glorious Saturday. Roman Boroday is suited up and ready to go.

derBayerische November December 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of derBayerische November December 2022

derBayerische November December 2022 - Intro
derBayerische November December 2022 - Cover1
derBayerische November December 2022 - Cover2
derBayerische November December 2022 - 1
derBayerische November December 2022 - 2
derBayerische November December 2022 - 3
derBayerische November December 2022 - 4
derBayerische November December 2022 - 5
derBayerische November December 2022 - 6
derBayerische November December 2022 - 7
derBayerische November December 2022 - 8
derBayerische November December 2022 - 9
derBayerische November December 2022 - 10
derBayerische November December 2022 - 11
derBayerische November December 2022 - 12
derBayerische November December 2022 - 13
derBayerische November December 2022 - 14
derBayerische November December 2022 - 15
derBayerische November December 2022 - 16
derBayerische November December 2022 - 17
derBayerische November December 2022 - 18
derBayerische November December 2022 - 19
derBayerische November December 2022 - 20
derBayerische November December 2022 - 21
derBayerische November December 2022 - 22
derBayerische November December 2022 - 23
derBayerische November December 2022 - 24
derBayerische November December 2022 - 25
derBayerische November December 2022 - 26
derBayerische November December 2022 - 27
derBayerische November December 2022 - 28
derBayerische November December 2022 - 29
derBayerische November December 2022 - 30
derBayerische November December 2022 - 31
derBayerische November December 2022 - 32
derBayerische November December 2022 - 33
derBayerische November December 2022 - 34
derBayerische November December 2022 - 35
derBayerische November December 2022 - 36
derBayerische November December 2022 - 37
derBayerische November December 2022 - 38
derBayerische November December 2022 - 39
derBayerische November December 2022 - 40
derBayerische November December 2022 - Cover3
derBayerische November December 2022 - Cover4