Imagine Magazine - Johns Hopkins - January/February 2014 - (Page 38)
exploring career options
Digital Forensic Analyst
Andy Crouse
Senior Digital Forensic Analyst
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Customs and Border Protection
When he began his career as a police officer some 20 years ago, Andy Crouse
couldn't have imagined the coming technological revolution and the ways
in which it would change the nature of law enforcement. Today, as a digital
forensic analyst for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Crouse uses
his understanding of the ever-evolving technology to help make the country
a safer place for all of us.
How did you become interested
in digital forensics?
In college, I majored in criminal justice
with an emphasis on political science
and law. I started off as a police officer,
and over the next few years-this was in
the late 1990s-computer crimes began
to surface. As computer use increased,
computer crime increased. I was
directed to start a computer forensics
lab for the department. With that came
a lot of training and a lot of material
that I had to learn. It didn't just involve
learning about computer forensics; I
had to learn how computers work. I had
to study the operating systems and file systems on
different computers.
What else do you have to know to
be a digital forensic analyst?
Digital forensics represents the marrying of two disciplines, computer science and law. You have to know
how the technology works, and you need some basic
programming skills so you can look at code to understand what's making a certain program do a certain
thing on the computer. But we have to do it in a way
that is forensically sound, that can be reproduced in
court. There's really no other discipline that combines
computer science and law. It's unique and challenging.
How did you come to work for the
Department of Homeland Security?
I applied for a Digital Forensic Analyst position with
38 imagine
Interview by Amy Entwisle
the U.S. Customs and Border Protection's (CBP)
Laboratories and Scientific Services Directorate. I saw
the position as an exciting and challenging opportunity
to work with some of the best minds in computer
forensics. My co-workers have been involved in writing
standards for the industry and conducting leading
research on new devices and technologies.
How do you use digital forensic
analysis in your job?
At U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), our mission is securing the nation's borders. Within CBP, we
have the Office of Field Operations and the U.S. Border
Patrol. These officers are spread out among all the ports
of entry in the country. We also have our air and marine
division, the people who fly the really neat planes
and drive the really fast boats. We support all these
people directly. The crimes that we investigate include
terrorism, human smuggling, narcotics smuggling, and
weapons smuggling. Any of these crimes can have a
digital trail that provides evidence of the crime. Maybe
it's a cell phone that has text messages showing what a
suspect knew about the crime at the time. We need to
extract those messages and reproduce them in court.
There might be a GPS device that contains a track
or route or maybe some waypoints that the suspect
put in when they were driving or flying from Point A to
Point B. We have to obtain this information in a forensically sound manner and provide it to the investigating
agent as quickly as possible.
We take our job very seriously. What we find and
report on can mean that someone goes to prison for a
very long time, or that someone walks free. We want to
make sure we're providing correct information so that
the investigating agent and the courts are able to make
the right decision.
What's a typical day like for you?
In our office, we are working on cases. If we have a cell
phone, hard drive, or GPS device, we obtain data and
analyze it. If it's a financial crime case, we'll be looking
to see what financial data may be on a computer and
how the suspect might have used that data to commit
a crime. We put the pieces of the puzzle together to
get the bigger picture of what happened and how that
Jan/Feb 2014
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Imagine Magazine - Johns Hopkins - January/February 2014
Big Picture
In My Own Words
Legal Discovery
Order in the Court
Think, Debate, Change the World
Voice of the Students
What Young Inventors Need to Know about Patents
A Practice and a Passion
The Science of Crime Detection
The Medical Examiner Is In
Selected Opportunities and Resources
Wild in the City
Off the Shelf
Word Wise
Exploring Career Options
One Step Ahead
Planning Ahead for College
Students Review
Creative Minds Imagine
Mark Your Calendar
Knossos Games
Imagine Magazine - Johns Hopkins - January/February 2014