Imagine Magazine - Johns Hopkins - May/June 2014 - (Page 41)
planning ahead for college
navigating the Competitive World of College Admissions
by linda E. brody, Ed.d.
soon after decision notification letters went
out to this year's college applicants, The
New York Times published a story with this
headline: "Best, Brightest and rejected:
elite Colleges turn away Up to 95%." if
you saw it, and you were already somewhat
concerned about your chances of being
admitted to the college of your choice, it
may have left you feeling a bit panicked.
the percentage of rejected applicants
that was cited referred specifically to
stanford, but many other highly selective
private and public colleges and universities were not far behind this year in having
to reject a large number of highly qualified applicants who sought spots in their
incoming classes. What has made college
admissions so competitive?
the national Center for education
statistics reported an increase in enrollment at degree-granting institutions of
37% between 2000 and 2010, so there are
definitely more students than in the past
enrolling in college. Contributing to this
trend are more first-generation college students, as well as more international students
choosing to attend american colleges.
in addition, the fear of not being
accepted to college has students applying
to many more schools than in the past, and
the Common application has also made filling out the forms somewhat easier, though
there is still much work and considerable
cost involved in applying to a great many
colleges. for the applicant pool as a whole,
more applications per student inevitably
mean more rejections!
You might expect the college officials
who have to read all of those applications
to discourage this practice, but in fact they
encourage it. more applications and more
rejections result in higher selectivity rankings and fuel the public's perception of an
institution being highly desirable and of
superior quality. admissions officials also
want as large a pool as possible from which
to select their ideal class, even knowing that
many of the students they are forced to reject
may be as qualified as those they accept.
if applying to college is still ahead of
you, what does all of this this mean for you?
how can you make yourself a stronger and
more competitive applicant?
first and foremost, focus on getting
the most out of high school. it's not about
padding your resume; colleges see right
through the applicant who joins lots of
clubs to put on their record in an attempt to
appear actively engaged. instead, work to
excel in appropriately challenging courses;
become engaged in extracurricular activities that extend your learning and allow
you to explore your true interests; commit
to attaining a leadership role in one or two
activities that are especially meaningful to
you; use your summers well, whether you
choose to take courses, volunteer, work, or
travel; and build relationships with teachers
and other adults who will be able to write
strong recommendations on your behalf.
during this time, learn about yourself
and pursue your true interests. When it's
time to fill out college applications, write
the required essays, and participate in
interviews with admissions officials, be
prepared to communicate what sets you
apart from other applicants, to describe
your passions, and to state your goals for
the future.
meanwhile, as you select colleges to
apply to, you should not have to apply to
more than 8-10 if you choose carefully,
and possibly fewer if your choices are
less competitive. Be realistic about your
chances of admission, and definitely don't
apply to any colleges that you will not be
pleased to attend should you be accepted.
many students add "safety" schools to their
list but complain if those end up being their
only choices. You should be prepared to
happily attend any college to which you
have applied.
in general, try not to have your heart
set on one particular college-remember
those admissions statistics! But if there is
one that is a stand-out choice, you might
consider applying early decision or early
action. it can enhance your likelihood of
admission if you can state a strong preference for a particular college by being part
of that early pool of candidates.
after the acceptances come and you
have made a final choice, don't look back
with any regrets. if you approach college
life with an upbeat and positive attitude,
you are more likely to be able to take full
advantage of all it has to offer.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Imagine Magazine - Johns Hopkins - May/June 2014
Big Picture
In My Own Words
Imagine, Design, Build
A Schematic of the Possible
My Life as an Architect
Blueprint for the Future
DesertSol: A Model of Sustainability
Across Space and Time
The Art of Summer
Selected Opportunities & Resources
A Digital Canvas
Rising to the Technovation Challenge
Off the Shelf
Word Wise
Exploring Career Options
One Step Ahead
Planning Ahead for College
Students Review
Creative Minds Imagine
Mark Your Calendar
Knossos Games
Imagine Magazine - Johns Hopkins - May/June 2014