Imagine Magazine - Johns Hopkins - May/June 2015 - (Page 42)

students review The Students Review series is intended to aid prospective college students in their search by offering insiders' views of selected colleges and universities, as expressed by current undergraduates or recent graduates who have high academic ability. Note that the number of reviewers is small. Consider their personal perspectives as only one factor as you gather information and impressions from many sources. Our reviewers include 42 alumni, who major(ed) in: accounting (1), Africana studies (1), anthropology (1), biochemistry (1), bioengineering (2), biological basis of behavior (1), biology (3), business (1), classical studies (1), cognitive science (1), communication & behavior (1), computer science (3), East Asian studies (1), e-commerce (1), economics (1), electrical engineering (2), English (5), entrepreneurial management (1), finance (4), fine arts (2), French (2), health & societies (1), history (2), information systems (1), international studies (1), management (1), marketing (2), materials science & engineering (1), math (4), mathematical biology (1), mechanical engineering (1), philosophy (1), physics (2), psychology (1), sociology (2), and systems engineering (1). (The number of majors exceeds 42 because several reviewers pursued double majors or dual degrees.) Reviewers' comments appear within quotation marks. Quality of Academic Instruction for Undergraduates Penn's undergraduate schools include Arts & Sciences (CAS), Engineering & Applied Sciences (SEAS), Nursing, and the Wharton School of Business, which has the top-ranked undergraduate business program in the country. Reviewers praised the quality of education in all of these schools. Several reviewers were students in Management & Technology (M&T), a dual-degree program in which students complete both a B.S. in economics at Wharton and a B.S. in engineering at SEAS. "Penn hosts phenomenal lecturers in many areas of liberal arts, including history, English, psychology, economics, and anthro- 42 imagine University of Pennsylvania pology. I am certain you won't find better instruction anywhere. As a student in CAS, I learned from first-rate professors who were always available to me in person and online. An intimate classroom environment is important to me, and I was able to satisfy most of my requirements with small lecture courses." "Penn has an outstanding track record for premedical preparation. Over 95% of its pre-meds get into medical school, compared to the national average of about 40%. The interdisciplinary biological basis of behavior major, which encompasses biology, psychology, and medical anthropology, gives students the chance to pursue a wide range of interests while completing pre-med requirements. Students also have exceptional opportunities to participate in medical research at Penn's medical school." "In SEAS, classes are small and are taught by some of the best professors in the world, not their TAs. Research opportunities abound as professors look for cheap and intelligent labor. SEAS also has an excellent advising system. It's a very good program if you're sure you're interested in engineering. The M&T dual-degree program enables engineering students to receive a rigorous technical education while also completing a full degree in business." "Wharton is unbeatable in business education. Instruction at Wharton is really good, especially at linking classroom concepts to the real world. To top it off, its career counseling and job hunting resources are vast. Nearly all graduates end up in top finance/ consulting firms or go on to the best MBA programs in the country." "Penn's dual-degree programs offer a unique undergraduate education. M&T is very competitive and difficult to get into; only 50-55 students are admitted every year from 1,000 applicants. Graduates of this program go on to become innovators and entrepreneurs, mostly in the financial sector, tech start-ups, and information technology." "I went to Penn because of the Huntsman Program in International Studies and Business, a dual-degree program that combines international business and cultural education, advanced language training, and study abroad. The community is as valuable as the academic experience. It's a very international group-about 50% of each class is composed of international students. There are just a few dozen students in each class, and everyone lives together freshman year, which creates a very close-knit community. I loved it; it was such a unique and awesome experience." Social Life "Penn has a great social life. There is a strong Greek culture, which accounts for Penn's nickname 'the social Ivy,' but frat parties aren't the sole source of entertainment. There are also cultural clubs, comedy shows, and movie nights to occupy your evenings. And being in Philadelphia is a major social plus. Philly is a great town, rich in entertainment, culture, and good restaurants. The campus is only a couple subway stops away from museums, art galleries, concert halls, parks, historical areas, shopping areas, swanky restaurants, and all major sports." May/June 2015

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Imagine Magazine - Johns Hopkins - May/June 2015

Big Picture
In My Own Words Daniel Kammen, Professor of Energy, UC Berkeley
A Solar-Powered Solution to the Water Crisis Using the sun to purify water
The PolluCell Generating electricity using waste and pollution
More than a Race The Solar Car Challenge
Energy Agenda The power of teen research
Energized! A crash course in fuels of the future
Grease Is Good Helping the environment and the community with biofuel
Fueled by Algae Sara Volz and the powerful potential of pond scum
The Future of Energy Five careers in green power
My Sanskrit Yaatra Connecting with my culture through language
Devoted Awareness My internship with Until There’s a Cure
Selected Opportunities and Resources
Off the Shelf Review of Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man
Word Wise
Exploring Career Options Interview with green architect Andrew Thompson
One Step Ahead Six things incoming college students should know
Planning Ahead for College Developing your passions
Students Review: University of Pennsylvania
Creative Minds Imagine
Mark Your Calendar
Knossos Games

Imagine Magazine - Johns Hopkins - May/June 2015