As a Hospice Executive Are You
Looking for Critical Competitive
Data to Stay Ahead of the Curve?
Look No Further... The 2015 State Hospice Profile™
contains comprehensive hospice care details for each
county based on Medicare data from 2000-2013,
providing the critical information needed to learn
more about the competitive environment of your
Produced by Health Planning & Development,
LLC & Summit Business Group, LLC and marketed
exclusively through the NHPCO Marketplace, each
2015 State Hospice Profile™ provides vital countylevel information. Full-colored charts and graphs
provide information from an analysis of the last
eleven years of Medicare claims data.
As an added bonus, each State
Hospice ProfileTM also contains a
National and Statewide Profile of
hospice cae based upon Medicare
claims data going back to 2000.
Here are examples of the valuable information
included in the 2015 State Hospice Profile™
Estimated Medicare Cap usage
Major hospice providers in the county
Comparative hospice penetration data/market share trends
Average Length of Stay
Distribution of hospice census
State Hospice ProfilesTM are individually priced based
upon the number of counties in each state. Please call
1-800-646-6460 for pricing details and to order.
Profiles are available for all 50 States.
To view an example of a State Hospice Profile visit:
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2015