M A K E A S P E C I A L M O M E N T P O S S I B L E F O R YO U R PAT I E N T The Lighthouse of Hope Fund is available to patients v Who request special wishes and experiences (ex. flying people in to visit, PROVIDING MEANINGFUL AND MEMORABLE MOMENTS FOR THOSE LIVING WITH A LIFE-LIMITING ILLNESS. special events like fishing trips or special dinners, opportunities to spend time with family and friends in a memorable way, etc.) v Who are cared for by one of NHPCO's provider members v Who have a life expectancy of one year or less v Who have no other means to fund the specific request Selection Criteria The hospice provider must submit a completed Lighthouse of Hope Fund Application www.nationalhospicefoundation.org/lighthouseofhopefundhttps://www.nhpco.org/hospiceaides http://www.nationalhospicefoundation.org/lighthouseofhopefund