Contents 4 Message from Edo 28 In light of recent events and media coverage, Edo Banach reflects on the many ways that hospice providers serve the community and stresses the importance of working collaboratively. 6 6 FY2020 Hospice Wage Index The Final Rule for FY2020 was released by CMS in July. In addition to reimbursement rates, there are additional details providers should be aware of that include a future Addendum. 28 NHPCO Edge Re-imagined Providers need to be aware of the opportunities available through provision of community-based palliative care services and NHPCO's re-imagined Edge can support this work. 18 18 Co-Creating Resilience Rev. Dr. Carla Cheatham offers guidance to help those in the field understand how resilience supports safety, satisfaction, and sustainability. 24 24 IDC19 in Orlando 32 The Compliance - Quality Connection 34 We Honor Veterans Update 36 Hospice Month Outreach 38 Pediatric Resources Newsline / Fall 2019 3