A Program That Works. A Benefit That Matters. Get Involved in My Hospice Get Involved in My Hospice NHPCO and the Hospice Action Network's public affairs campaign designed to educate policy makers and their constituents about the benefits of the Medicare Hospice Benefit continues to move forward in 2020. My Networks Share the My Hospice campaign MyHospiceCampaign. with family and friends on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Use #MyHospice in your posts. My Right Sign-up as a Hospice Action Network advocate and stay up to date on the latest policy news! Go to hospiceactionnetwork.org. My Story What does hospice mean to you? #MyHospice Share your story with us by using our online submit your story form. Visit MyHospiceCampaign.org to get involved today! M A K E A S P E C I A L M O M E N T P O S S I B L E F O R YO U R PAT I E N T The Lighthouse of Hope Fund is available to patients v Who request special wishes and experiences (ex. flying people in to visit, PROVIDING MEANINGFUL AND MEMORABLE MOMENTS FOR THOSE LIVING WITH A LIFE-LIMITING ILLNESS. special events like fishing trips or special dinners, opportunities to spend time with family and friends in a memorable way, etc.) v Who are cared for by one of NHPCO's provider members v Who have a life expectancy of one year or less v Who have no other means to fund the specific request Selection Criteria The hospice provider must submit a completed Lighthouse of Hope Fund Application www.nationalhospicefoundation.org/lighthouseofhopefundhttp://www.myhospicecampaign.org https://www.hospiceactionnetwork.org/submit-your-story/ http://www.myhospicecampaign.org http://www.nationalhospicefoundation.org/lighthouseofhopefund