Feedback From
the Economic
Impact Survey
HPCO and the Hospice Action
Network surveyed hospice
leaders this past fall to investigate
the impact of current and proposed
regulatory changes on their
organization's operations.
The survey included 12 questions that
asked these leaders how the current
and proposed changes, together with
the general economic environment,
had affected their organization's
ability to deliver quality care in
2013. Perhaps more importantly, it
also asked how they anticipate these
burdens will affect care delivery in
2014 and beyond.
The primary goal of the survey was
to get direct input from the field to
support the work of NHPCO and HAN
on Capitol Hill - and some valuable
information was indeed received.
NHPCO NewsLine
This feedback, including direct
quotes from survey respondents,
was featured in a four-page report
prepared by HAN for dissemination
on the Hill at the close of 2013. It is
helping members of Congress and
their staffs become more aware of
the very real ways these changes are
affecting care at the bedside and will
serve to complement the grassroots
advocacy of members.
But the information that respondents
took time to provide is also worth
sharing with all members. As you
review it, however, remember that it
only represents the experiences and
perceptions of those who responded
to the survey. Some providers are
faring better and some are facing
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NHPCO NewsLine February 2014