CES - Revista Veterinaria Enero - Junio 2009 - (Page 96)
Instruction for authors to publish in English and portuguese CONTENTS THE CONTENTS OF MAGAZINE ARE THE FOLLOWING: EDITORIAL Space reserved for communications of the publisher, members of the editorial committee or investigator guest. LETTERS TO THE PUBLISHER Space reserved for the reception of tactically important positions, analytical or interpretative on documents published in the magazine. ANSWERS OF THE PUBLISHER OR AUTHOR Space reserved to give answer to anxieties of the readers. ARTICLE OF ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION Document that presents, on detailed way, the original results of finished projects of investigation. REFLECTION ARTICLE Document that presents results of finished investigation from an analytical, interpretative, or critical perspective of the author, on a specific subject, resorting to original sources. REVIEW ARTICLE Document result of a finished investigation where they are analyzed, systematizes and integrates the results of investigations published or not published, on a field in science or technology, with the purpose to give account of the advances and the tendencies of development. A careful bibliographical review should be presented f at least 50 references. SHORT ARTICLE Brief document that presents original preliminary or partial results of a scientific research or technological, that generally require of a quick diffusion. CLINICAL CASE Presentation and discussion of one or several tactical, novel and concrete cases with a high academic value. THEME REVIEW Document result of the critical review of literature on a particular theme. ARTICLE OF NOT DERIVED REFLECTION OF INVESTIGATION Document that presents an analytical perspective, interpretative or critical of the author, on a specific theme, resorting to original sources. INVESTIGATION SUMMARIES Summaries of investigations published or not, with highly relevance and academic value. ACADEMIC AND SCIENTIFIC DIFFUSION Publication space for Summaries of developing investigation projects or videos, presentations, reflection articles and summaries of academic events carried out. INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS The article reception does not imply the obligation to publish them; they will be subject to being reviewed by the Editorial Committee and submitted to correction before publication. The articles can be published in Spanish, English and Portuguese. All the referring information to the delivery of this should be remitted to the following direction: 96 Revista CES / Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia / Volumen 4 / Número 1 / Enero – Junio de 2009 / ISSN 1900-9607
Tabla de contenidos de la publicatión de CES - Revista Veterinaria Enero - Junio 2009
CES - Revista Veterinaria Enero - Junio 2009
Nace la unidad veterinaria de respuesta a emergencias (WSPA-CES)
Diagnóstico de situación - nociones de estudiantes de Medicina Veterinaria sobre la actuación en el área de salud pública
Diagnóstico de situación - nociones de profesionales del área de Medicina Veterinaria sobre la actuación en el a´rea de la salud pública
Evaluación del efecto de cuatro protocolos anéstesicos y cirugia de ovariohisterectomÃa lateral sobre hemograma en hembras caninas
Determinación de la frecuencia de Leptospirosis en felinos y primates del parque zoológico Santa fe, MedellÃn, Colombia
Enfermedades orales mas frecuentes del caballo criollo colombiano
FarmacologÃa y uso clÃnico de la Ketamina
Rescate y manejo de fauna silvestre ex situ en Colombia: Estudio de caso de un jaguar (Panthera onca) en la OrinoquÃa colombiana
Instrucción para los autores que publicarán en Español
Instrucción para los autores que publicarán en Español y Portugues
CES - Revista Veterinaria Enero - Junio 2009