CES - Revista Veterinaria Enero - Junio 2012 - (Page 50)

Effect evaluation of the feeding, and administration of omeprazole pellets orally on gastric juice pH in adult horses* Evaluación del efecto de la alimentación y de la administración de omeprazol en pellets vía oral sobre el pH del jugo gástrico en equinos adultos Avaliação do efeito da alimentação, e administração de omeprazole pellets por via oral no pH do suco gástrico em cabalhos adultos. Jhon Didier Ruiz B1*, MV, MSc, PhD; Diego Alonso Zuluaga A1, MV; Juliana Victoria Gutierrez E1, MVZ; Susana Catalina García G1, MVZ; Juliana Toro G1, MVZ; Sebastián Mauricio Aristizábal O1, MVZ. *Autor para correspondencia: Jhon Didier Ruiz Buitrago. Calle 10ª No 22-04, Medellín Colombia. Correo electrónico: jdruiz@ces.edu.co Grupo de Investigaciones en Ciencias de los Animales (INCA-CES), Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad CES, Medellín, Colombia. 1 (Recibido: 04 de mayo de 2012 ; aceptado: 15 de junio de 2012) Abstract The aim of this study was to determine the omeprazol treatment effect on equine gastric fluid pH with food and without food administering for the duration of the experiment. To carry this project out, 7 animals were chosen between the ages of 3 and 10 (2 males and 5 females) from the Centro de Veterinaria y Zootecnia - CES. In the controlled treatment they received 200 ml of physiological saline and were treated using omeprazol pellets which were administered in a single dose of 4 mg/kg via a nasogastric insertion, and in two groups with or without food during the treatment. Gastric pHs were measured at 0 hour (fasting before treatment) and then at hours 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 24 after treatment. In animals consuming food, both treatments showed post treatment gastric pH increases, which can be explained by the ad libitumn food management in both treatments, which may increasing post prandial pH. In fasting animals, we observed that in the controlled treatment the pH was maintained at very low levels at all measurement times, while in the omeprazol treatment the pH increased significantly. These results show that treatment with omeprazol pellets at a dose of 4 mg/kg via nasogastric insertion increased gastric pH in healthy animals that are not eating food and that this effect was similar to them being administered food. Key words Gastric pH, omeprazole, pH meters. *Para citar este artículo: Ruiz JD, Zuluaga DA, Gutiérrez JV, García SC, Toro J, Aristizábal SM. 2012. Evaluación del efecto de la alimentación y de la administración de omeprazol en pellets vía oral sobre el pH del jugo gástrico en equinos adultos. Rev CES Med Vet Zootec; Vol 7(1):50-61 50 Revista CES Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia / Volumen 7 / Número 1 / Enero – Junio de 2012/ ISSN 1900-9607 http://www.revistamvzces.com/revistas/vol7no1/Articulo_4.pdf

Tabla de contenidos de la publicatin de CES - Revista Veterinaria Enero - Junio 2012

CES - Revista Veterinaria Enero - Junio 2012
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Evaluación del efecto de la alimentación y de la administración de omeprazol en pellets vía oral sobre el pH del jugo gástrico en equinos adultos
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CES - Revista Veterinaria Enero - Junio 2012
