Mid-Layers U01 U02 Unisex Hooded Sweatshirt W M Unisex High Performance Vest M W Bottoms W06 Women's Mid-Layer Half-Zip W M0 6 Men's Mid-Layer Half-Zip M T E C H OPS W0 7 Women's 8½'' Cargo Shorts W W08 Women's 10½'' Cargo Shorts W M07 Men's 9'' Cargo Shorts M M08 Men's 11 " Cargo Shorts M GSE W WOMEN M MEN Watch: Why fabric testing matters How the half-zip is made W09 W10 Women's Cargo Pants W Women's Plain Front Work Pants W M09 Men's Cargo Pants M M10 Men's Plain Front Work Pants M The numbering system on the garments is to help identify the uniform pieces throughout the book and does not relate to the ordering system. 39 DELTA AIR LINES / STYLE GUIDE