No. 26-30 Origin stories 26 27 THE EXPERIENCE THAT GOT YOU HERE Sometimes, the route to community banking is short; sometimes, it's long and weaves through a couple of other jobs. Let's meet some of these well-traveled souls. Architecture and health care " The only banking experience I'd had prior to this job was my own checking account, " says Chad King. After starting out at a building design fi rm, he was an account manager for a company providing nursing services to families of special-needs children. King found himself increasingly unhappy at the large, bureaucratic health-care company. He once again tried networking in his hometown of Farmington, Mo. The CEO of the $2 billion-asset First State Community Bank planned to bring merchant card services in Real estate Dan Reininga worked for Talon Zipper Company before spending time at graduate school and his family-owned real estate investment fi rm. Reininga joined the $482 millionasset Lake Shore Savings Bank board in 1994. In 2010, he joined the bank as chief operating offi cer and is now president and CEO. Conversant in terms like " foreign-trade zone " and " REIT, " he easily advises business customers and is steeped in customer service and community leadership. Reininga paraphrases former Buffalo Bills coach Marv Levy: Talent is 40 ICBA IndependentBanker August 2017