GENDER HAS AN IMPACT What do men and women view diff erently at their workplaces? VIEWS CHANGE WITH TIME Scores are high overall, but employment level does color employees' perceptions of their workplaces COMMUNICATION My bank encourages ... Informal discussions, opportunities for conversations Keeping employees informed Management to be visible and accessible Transparent communication at all levels CULTURE Strongly agree or agree Men 95% 91% Women 93% 91% 96% 94% 100 80 60 40 20 89% 80% Encourages employees to act, think independently Entry level Executive Demands accountability from employees Experienced Director Manager Focuses on long-term success Accommodates diff erent work styles My bank's culture ... of men are extremely satisfied or very satisfied with their position COMPENSATION & RECOGNITION My bank encourages ... Men Competitive and equitable salaries, wages Bonuses for excellent performance Profit sharing to all employees Recognition of individuals and groups 0 20 40 60 80 Strongly agree or agree (%) Q 45 100 Women of women are extremely satisfied or very satisfied with their position TRAINING & EDUCATION My bank encourages ... 100 80 60 40 20 Providing or making training available Entry level Executive Experienced Director Mentoring Manager Strongly agree or agree (%) Strongly agree or agree (%)