EXPERTS Game-changing industry insights for community bankers Best practices for successful core vendor management Vetting out a new core provider is no small task. You'll want to make sure you fully understand the ins and outs of the new partnership and fi ll in any gaps before fi nalizing the contract. Here are some best practices to assist you in core vendor management. 1. From the start, meet the entire team 2. Ask the vendor to share their business continuity plan 3. Review the vendor's contract terms 4. Inquire about the vendor's ongoing enhancements process 5. Ask for client references At IBT Apps, we know it's critical to have the right conversations with new core providers upfront. That's why we provide you with all the information you need to make your selection and are responsive in fulfi lling your additional requests. Contact us to learn more. First Interstate Bank @FirstInterstateBank Scott Levandowski, our Bozeman, Mont., market president, was on hand to help announce that Special Olympics Montana's State Summer Games will be hosted in Bozeman for the next three years. We are proud to be longtime sponsors of Special Olympics Montana and Scott is the games management team co-director. CURRENCIES Social Network What community bankers are posting about Jim Reber, president and CEO of ICBA Securities @ICBAsecurities Robert M. Fisher closing out a successful series of Fall Leadership Meetings. Community lenders & businesses keep showing resilience. #banklocally Joe Hensley Vice President, IBT Apps | 512-616-1115 Mechanics and Farmers Bank @mfbanknc An absolute pleasure to be a part of the #bankblackdurham rally today. Thank you @leofrombullcity @craigdotcarter @bankblackdurham for your support! #bankblack #banksmall #banklocal