Which of these revenue streams is most likely to drive your community bank's profitability in 2021? (Respondents could select up to two) 2.0% Auto lending 3.3% Wealth management/brokerage services 23.2% Agricultural lending 29.7% Commercial/industrial lending 35.0% Small business lending 38.6% Commercial real estate lending 51.6% Residential mortgage lending JANUARY 27 | 3 ET / 2 CT How to Make Digital SBA Lending Your Secret Weapon in 2021 regional banks, down from 23.3% in 2020. One in five report a credit union is the biggest competitor in their market. The Farm Credit System has always competed with Central Bancshares Inc.'s two banks, says Kistler, but it has been especially aggressive over the past six months. He's not the only one who has noticed a change. A Farm Credit System Lender is the main competitor of 13.7% of community banks-up from 7.8% in 2020. Mortgage lending remains strong As in years past, residential mortgage lending is expected to drive profitability in 2021. About half of respondents (51.6%) say it's among the top two anticipated revenue streams next year-up from 47.5% in 2020. The Bank of the West saw mortgage activity more than triple in 2020, with many customers seeking cash-out refinances to Featuring: Darren Hecht SVP Business Development Biz2X Featuring: Venky Bala Chief Data Officer Biz2X " We've encouraged supervisors to do special things for employees like award a spot bonus if someone is doing exceptional work. We're encouraging people to be creative in the branch. " -Pete Johnson, Opportunity Bank of Montana Join us to get the insights you need to craft the perfect digital-first SBA lending strategy to chart your path to a strong business lending portfolio in 2021 and beyond. REGISTER TODAY! To register and view our full library of free on-demand webinars, visit the Independent Banker Webinar Center at Independentbanker.orghttp://www.Independentbanker.org