With Interest BY THE NUMBERS ICBA ADVOCACY EFFORTS IN 2017 Every year, thousands of community bankers work in tandem with ICBA advocacy staff to help advance ICBA's policy agenda on Capitol Hill. Here's a look at what you accomplished last year. $537,000 raised at the ICBPAC silent auction in March at ICBA Community Banking LIVE 2017 in San Antonio, Texas 30,000 grassroots messages sent to federal decision makers 10,000+ signatures collected on our Plan for Prosperity petition 330 meetings with key policymakers on Capitol Hill during the 2017 ICBA Capital Summit 100 community bankers met with President Trump and administration offi cials on the White House grounds in May 2017 to promote regulatory relief 3,100 contributors to ICBPAC, the bipartisan federal political action committee dedicated exclusively to representing community banking 4,500 advocacy messages sent during the tax reform debate Learn more about how you can help at icba.org/advocacy 16 ICBA Independent Banker March 2018 Source: ICBAhttp://www.icba.org/advocacy