DO YOU HAVE A MINUTE? allows community banks to continue working with their farm and ranch customers amid low commodity prices and other challenges facing rural America. Getting up to speed ICBA supported the 2014 farm bill because of its long-term framework and pro-community bank provisions. Despite substantial reforms implemented in the face of budgetary constraints, the act provided a safety net for major commodities, signifi - cantly enhanced crop and revenue insurance programs to better support producers' risk-management strategies, and helped ensure farmers' and ranchers' ability to repay bank loans. The bill also removed term limits on USDA-guaranteed farm operating loans, which restrict the number of years producers can obtain a loan for their annual production expenses. This achievement was a hard-fought victory for the banking industry and strongly supported by ICBA. Finally, the act did not include any expanded lending powers for Farm Credit System entities. These provisions refl ect core ICBA agricultural policy priorities. Crop insurance is a successful publicprivate program that is critical to the ability of farmers and ranchers to survive weather disasters and repay their farm loans. In 2015, 1.2 million policies were sold to protect more than 120 different crops covering 285 million acres with an insured value of more than $100 billion. ICBA is again working to protect the crop insurance program from cuts or adverse changes that would discourage participation or undermine privatesector delivery. Additionally, USDA farm loan guarantee programs help community banks manage lending risks to farmers and ranchers who would otherwise be unable to obtain commercial credit. These We need your help to put together our special August issue. Which community bank is doing great things? What is your charity of choice? Which car do you wish you drove? Take our quick survey now at SERVICE BUREAU Real-time Core Processing Backs Up Data to Redundant Data Center ,QFUHDVH 2SHUDWLRQDO (IĆFLHQF\ &RPSHWLWLYHQHVV 8SWRGDWH 6HFXUH ,QWHJUDWHG 6ROXWLRQV )DVWHU %HWWHU 6HUYLFHV Focus on Banking &RQWLQXLW\ 5LVN 0DQDJHPHQW &RPSOLDQW )OH[LEOH 6FDODEOH Reduces Bank IT Exam Load 'HOLYHUHG E\ 2SHUDWLRQDO 7HFKQLFDO ([SHUWV Service Bureau brought to you by 0RGHUQ%DQNLQJFRP y y %XUOLQJWRQ 6W 5DOVWRQ 1( ______________