CONNECTIONS Bulletin Board Inspiring the leaders in us all The future of community banking lies with people who think innovatively and strive for continuous development to meet changing customer demands. And you could find many of them at ICBA's annual LEAD FWD summit, held from September 17-18 in Louisville, Ky. Attendees were treated to inspiring talks by people like Brett Johnson, a former hacker. He discussed the motivations behind cybercrime and how community bankers can protect their banks, themselves and customers. And Kevin Brown, author of The Hero Eff ect, asked participants to become extraordinary by reaching beyond their daily job requirements. Other highlights were workshops where attendees developed visual representations of their leadership aspirations, a whiteboard discussion with industry experts and the " Community Banking Family Feud " game. At the end of each day, attendees gathered at networking events so they could build relationships and share their experiences as leaders in the community banking industry. -Rebecca Lubecki As well as the learning opportunities, LEAD FWD was a great event for networking. LEAD FWD participants created vision boards to represent their personal leadership aspirations moving forward. 82 Q ICBA Independent Banker Q November 2018