CURRENCIES SOCIAL NETWORK What community banks are posting about NOW ON DEMAND The Digital Transition - Disrupt or Be Disrupted Featuring: Mike Haedrich Sr. Product Manager Finastra Digitization can support your environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives, provide access to more accurate data, and allow for faster decision-making. But how do you implement it? We'll dive into the details and talk about the tools you need to ensure you are not left behind as our industry makes the digital transition. West Gate Bank @WestGateBank Farmers Bank & Trust @farmersbankbly A couple of weeks ago, we had a team in Omaha participate in Project Houseworks' annual BRUSH UP event. The community event provides volunteers with the opportunity to paint homes for low-income seniors in the Omaha metropolitan area. #communitybank #volunteers Your community bankers were busy all over MissCo this weekend! Friday morning, we worked in Manila at the Community Clean-up. Friday night we were raising money at the MissCo Relay for Life at our Monopoly-themed booth. Saturday we were downtown Cooking For A Cure. Farmers Bank is proud to be a part of Mississippi County! #communitybanking State Nebraska Bank & Trust @statenebank REGISTER TODAY! To register and view our full library of free on-demand webinars, visit the Independent Banker Webinar Center at Our Blue Devil Branch tellers received their first training last month at the bank. We have 25 fifth and sixth graders ready to open this in-school savings bank at Wayne Elementary this Thursday, Sept. 15. We love teaching our youth about financial literacy and how to start saving early. #startsaving #lifelongsavers #financialliteracy #startearly #SNBBlueDevilBranch #communitybank #locallyowned #givingback #SNB