SEPTEMBER 2022 7 Flourish 9 From the Top IN EVERY ISSUE CURRENCIES Good Reads: Banking Compliance Insights by Wolters Kluwer History Lesson: America's first ATM The Ledger: Compliance departments' talent challenge Defining Finance: What is " Insurtech " ? 12 36 PORTFOLIO 18 Capitalizing on social payments How can community banks optimize cashless and mobile transactions? 22 Erroneous transactions: a refresher New regulations about false or fraudulent activity CONNECTIONS 76 66 Trailblazer Woodforest National Bank takes several pathways to providing aff ordable housing in Texas 70 Community Spirit Ledyard National Bank's video contest spotlights several local nonprofits making a diff erence 72 Member Benefits Bank security resources are available from ICBA 74 Innovation Conversations Giving the in-branch experience a virtual touch 76 Out of Off ice Shon Myers catches waves as a longtime wake surfer 24 Innovation Station Targeting innovative market opportunities through agtech 26 How to keep good employees Why a " people first " strategy can help retain talented team members 30 Leadership at All Levels Lessons from an escape room 32 Regtech's role in risk management How community banks can take advantage of emerging technology 34 Portfolio Management The state of bond portfolio spreads 36 How to reach customers with disabilities Better accessibility and employee engagement 40 Checks & Balances ICBA's fall legislative outlook Connect with ICBA @icba communitybankchannel @banklocally @myicba 2 Q ICBA Independent Banker Q September 2022