Pathfi nder Golf Course EARLY FOREST FIRES BLEMISHED REGION Hinckley had prospered with lumber companies working its dense forests until the Great Hinckley Fire of 1894, which destroyed the town and fi ve smaller communities and killed more than 500 people. After the fi re, an exact replica of the destroyed train depot was rebuilt. Today, it houses the fascinating Fire Museum, which chronicles the poignant stories of victims and survivors, as well as the heroism of train engineers who were responsible for saving hundreds of lives. The Cloquet/Moose Lake Fire of 1918 claimed more than 1,000 lives as it swept through Pine County for several days. Survivors who recalled the Hinckley fi re 24 years prior reported that it was small compared to this calamity. The fl ames rode a 60-mileper-hour gale and at one point destroyed a dozen villages. The Moose Lake Fire Museum is also located in its train depot. Grand National Golf Club World's Largest Walleye, Rush City Hinckley Fire Museum 20 MINNESOTAGOLFER Directory 2013 Grant House, Rush City