Our travel section this fall takes golfers from coast to coast and corner to corner of the United States. Go from North Carolina on the East Coast to southern California on the West. Go from Florida in the far Southeast to Oregon way up in the Northwest. At every location, you'll experience fresh ocean breezes, incredible views and great golf. By Tom Bedell Golfi ng in Oregon is surprisingly similar to golfi ng in Scotland. at Bandon with a Scotsman, who said as he starter at Pacifi c Dunes told, probably for the umpteenth time, the old joke: " What's the difference between Bandon Dunes and Scotland? It's easier to get to Scotland. " It was instructive to play a few rounds a chill wind blew hard even in August, " Why would I want to come all the way here when I can go a half-hour down the road at home and play in similar conditions for a much lower price? " T Okay, Orlando for him, Bandon for the rest of us. If willing to plunk the dollars down to check several courses off the bucket list (at a fabled resort that only just opened in 1999), a trip here may be the ultimate golf buddy trip. 20 MINNESOTA GOLFER Fall 2013 www.mngolf.orghttp://www.mngolf.org