* BY MIKE BARGE * Mike Barge is the Director of Instruction at Hazeltine National GC and a Class A member of the PGA of America. TIPS FROM THE PROS Swinging into Impact To dial in on your best swing, analyze its position when the club meets the ball. F or those who like to analyze positions in the golf swing, there is none more important than impact. Even among Tour players, you will see unique backswings and different positions at the top of their swings-but how they look at impact has common denominators. Among those common traits and swing positions are: * Back of the lead hand facing the target * Straight line from the lead shoulder through arm and club 10 MINNESOTAGOLFER Spring 2023 * Head behind the ball * Hips facing left of target, shoulders parallel to target * Weight shifting into the front foot If you had someone who has never played golf take an ax and swing into a tree, you would see these same things happening. Swinging into an impact bag is a good way to experience these positions. Don't overcomplicate impact. mngolf.org PHOTO: MATT SEEFELDThttp://www.mngolf.org