(tips from the pros ) LAUNCH IT Try this drill for the correct angle of approach when driving. By Mike Barge, Hazeltine National Golf Club Photos by Matt Seefeldt here are a few features of the driver swing that are different from our irons and wedges. The biggest involves the angle of attack the club head takes into the ball. A more shallow or low-to-high approach is needed to launch the driver up and take advantage of the carry distance along with adequate roll. A terrifi c drill to promote this is to hit the driver from an upslope-the more dramatic the slope, the better. This kind of slope requires the club to swing up into the ball, which is exactly what you want with the driver. Once you return to a level lie, capture the sensation from the drill. Tee it high and let it fl y. T Mike Barge is the director of instruction at Hazeltine National GC and a Class A member of the PGA of America. 8 MINNESOTAGOLFER Summer 2015 www.mngolf.orghttp://www.mngolf.org