located to the Viking Magazine subscription from a regular annual membership. Any other member of Sons of Norway between the ages of 16 and 23 inclusive will pay dues at a reduced rate. JC<: K:CC:G B:B7:GH. Former Unge Venner Members whose membership was cancelled because of the demise or non-payment of dues of their sponsor shall be eligible for reinstatement retroactively to their previous Unge Venner status upon application by the above Unge Venner Member. 6YY^i^dc d[ ¼8djchZadg½ id i]Z AdXVa AdY\Z 7dVgY d[ 9^gZXidgh #1 Resource For All Your Travel Needs! Therefore be it resolved that paragraph be amended to read: Consists of. The Local Lodge Board of Directors shall consist of the following elected officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Financial or Membership Secretary and Social or Cultural Director and such other elected officers or Directors that the Local Lodge specifies in their by-laws. 8Vaa^c\ HeZX^Va BZZi^c\h Wn AdXVa AdY\Zh Therefore be it resolved that paragraph 4.2.3. be amended to read: 4.2.3. HE:8>6A B::I>C;>86I>DC D; HE:8>6A B::I>C @>C< ?6CJ6GN '%&& hdchd[cdglVn#Xdb