Dhad :ahZl]ZgZ¿h ¼C^\]i H^c\h >ih Hdc\h½ into English. " We have a lot more words in English, " says Sunde. " Fosse may use a word that can mean 10 different things in English. That's the hardest part. " ;dhhZ¿h [daadl^c\ Now that Fosse is known among American theater enthusiasts and scholars, what is it about his plays that appeals to American audiences? Gutto believes it's the poetry and the universality of Fosse's characters, as well as his ability to shed light on issues in relationships in a non-threatening way. For fast-paced Americans, Sunde fi nds in Fosse's plays " space for refl ection and examination, where we can acknowledge that it's okay that we're all striving to connect and that sometimes we succeed and sometimes we fail. " Gutto sees all kinds of people in Oslo Elsewhere's audiences, including " young people who are curious about new playwrights, and people in the older generation who ... are curious about [Fosse's] mastery of language and of drama. " Here, there or elsewhere, check out a Fosse play when one comes to a theater near you. osloelsewhere.org @VgZc @# =VchZc ^h V B^ccZVeda^h " WVhZY lg^iZg$e]did\gVe]Zg VcY bjh^X^Vc# BdgZ i]ZViZg \gdjeh Wg^c\^c\ HXVcY^cVk^V¿h WZhi id i]Z J#H# HXVcY^cVk^Vc 6bZg^XVc I]ZViZg 8dbeVcn )H6I80 H6I8 I]ZViZg 9^gZXidg =Zcc^c\ =Z\aVcY! V Hdch d[ CdglVn bZbWZg! ^h dc V b^hh^dc id Wg^c\ id a^\]i CdglVn¿h \gZVi Wji [dg\diiZc eaVnlg^\]ih# =Z¿h igVchaVi^c\ AjYk^\ =daWZg\¿h ¼I]Z Eda^i^XVa I^c`Zg½ Vh lZaa Vh ldg`h Wn Wg^\]i! jc`cdlc XdciZbedgVgn eaVnlg^\]ih# Gj^c\ i]Z aVX` d[ HXVcY^cVk^Vc eaVnh WZ^c\ egdYjXZY! =Z\aVcY VcY h^m HXVcY^cVk^Vc i]Z " ViZg XdaaZV\jZh [djcYZY H6I8 ^c CZl Ndg` 8^in ^c '%%.# =Z\aVcY fj^eh! ¼L]^aZ V CdglZ\^Vc ldjaY cZkZg WZ ]Veen id WZ Xdc[jhZY l^i] V HlZYZ dc V adXVa aZkZa! dc Vc ^ciZgcVi^dcVa aZkZa lZ ]VkZ hd bjX] bdgZ ^c Xdbbdc i]Vc l]Vi 20 K>@>C< ;:7GJ6GN '%&& hdchd[cdglVn#Xdb E=DIDhttp://www.osloelsewhere.orgB 76A96HH6G: