Bdg BdchZc @V`Z This well-loved coffee cake is typically cut into diamond shapes for festive presentation. + Z\\h & Xje WjiiZg & Xjeh hj\Vg OZhi d[ & aZbdc )VWdji & IWhe#0 & Xjeh É djg & ihe# WV`^c\ edlYZg Idee^c\/ Xje XjggVcih Xje ha^kZgZY VabdcYh ) IWhe# eZVga hj\Vg Preheat oven to 375 F. Place currants in bowl of hot water to plump. Divide egg yolks from whites and whisk egg whites just until stiff. Cream together butter and sugar; add egg yolks and whisk fi rmly. Mix in lemon zest. Sift together fl our and baking powder; stir into mixture. Gently fold in egg whites. Pour mixture into greased and fl oured 9 " x 11 " pan. Remove currants from water and pat dry with a paper towel. Sprinkle currants, slivered almonds, and pearl sugar on top of cake. Press topping down slightly into cake with back of spoon. Bake on middle rack of oven until golden, about 25 minutes. Remove from oven and cool. Cut cake into diamond shapes. Serves 10-12. I>E/ Dcan jhZ i]Z nZaadl oZhi d[ ndjg aZbdc0 ^cXajY^c\ i]Z l]^iZ e^i] l^aa bV`Z ndjg XV`Z W^iiZg# hdchd[cdglVn#Xdb K>@>C< 6EG>A '%&& 11 E=DID<=I0 ?D=C BDL:GH$JCA:6H=:9 EGD9J8I>DCH# ;DD9 HINA>C< 7N 7:IHN C:AHDC#