While Norwegians love to read crime fiction over the Easter holiday, it makes great summer reading, too. Egd[Zhhdg BVg\VgZi D¿AZVgn, who teaches a course at St. Olaf College called " Murder Scandinavian Style: Nordic Crime Fiction " recommends these page-turners from Norwegian authors. e^cZhh ^c hdX^Zin ^h d[iZc Vi ^ih X]^aYgZc¿h ZmeZchZ»^c i]^h Y^higjW^c\ nZi \g^ee^c\ cdkZa# +# I]Z Lg^i^c\ dc i]Z LVaa 7nh B^cZ 7n 6ccZ =dai cheZXidg 6YVb HijWd! i]Z cdkZa WZ\^ch _jhi WZ[dgZ CdglVn¿h cVi^dcVa YVn! l]Zc a^iiaZ :b^a^Z HZaWj ^h `^YcVeeZY# I]^h `^YcVee^c\ ^h [da " adlZY Wn di]Zgh! l]^aZ K^` ldg`h l^i] HijWd ^c V YZheZgViZ Vi " iZbei id hVkZ :b^a^Z¿h a^[Z WZ[dgZ ^i¿h idd aViZ# L=:G: ID 7JN Id ejgX]VhZ i]ZhZ hjbbZg gZVYh! k^h^i ndjg adXVa Wdd`hZaaZg dg VbVodc#Xdb# CdcÈXi^dc hZaZXi^dch VgZ Vahd VkV^aVWaZ i]gdj\] H`VcY^h` Vi -%% " )+- " ')') dg h`VcY^h`#Xdb# 14 K>@>C< ?JAN '%&& hdchd[cdglVn#Xdb CRIME FICTION E=DID C>