nicating the importance of NICE's innovation to others working in the fashion industry, as well as the general public. She hopes to reach every member of the Norwegian public to make them more aware of the effect that clothing has on the environment. A sense of personal responsibility and the support of the media are two essential steps toward getting the clothes-buying public on board with NICE initiatives, she believes. According to Tobiasson, NICE is striving to make all Scandinavians " aware of the consequences of their choices, especially in the consumer phase of the [clothing] life-cycle. " Hafzi agrees that consumers can make a big difference when it comes to the eco-footprint of clothing. " By buying better quality items that last longer, by washing less and by being demanding consumers who ask questions, there will be a good trickle-up effect from the grassroots, " she says. Ě 6XPPHU http://www.eaglechildrensbook.comc CdglVn! hdbZ iZmi^aZ lVhiZ ^h WjgcZY! Wji i]Z ZcZg\n \V^cZY ^h bjX] aZhh i]Vc l]Vi ^h gZfj^gZY id egdYjXZ ^i# HDJG8:H/ C>8:! IG6H= ID IG:C9! :E6 NEW CHILDREN'S BOOK & STUFFED TOY! THREE LITTLE EAGLES AND HOW THEY GREW: Jacob's Story® 8.5 " X 11 " -paperback-43 pages-many pictures-Decorah eagles Book $12.95-Stuffed Eagle 8 " Toy $12.95-Both in Set $25.00 Park Press Minneapolis & NORWAY ART® TO ORDER call 612.339.7829 | 612.871.2236 or email: | hdchd[cdglVn#Xdb K>@>C< ;:7GJ6GN '%&' 17