BZbWZg BViiZgh Information + News + Helpful Tips :M:8JI>K: >9:6H >ck^iVi^dc [dg >ccdkVi^dc s International President Dan Rude highlighted in his column last month, Sons of Norway is holding its biennial International Convention later this year. I often liken the conventions to a fraternal version of a shareholders meeting in a publicly-held company. It's a time when members come together to participate in our organization's corporate governance A by discussing issues that will have an impact on the organization. This is important for Sons of Norway's future, so I strongly believe in the need to reinforce good corporate governance within our beloved organization. I feel it starts with building strong leaders at the local lodge level. To that end, I want to tell you about a new, exciting opportunity called the Innovative Leadership Conference. This August, during the International Convention in Fargo, N.D., Sons of Norway will host a conference devoted to giving members the skills and tools needed to become stronger leaders within the organization. What's really special about this event is that it's open to all Sons of Norway members, regardless of whether they are a ¼> ^ck^iZ Vaa bZbWZgh VcY YZaZ\ViZh id _d^c bZ ^c ;Vg\d [dg i]Z >ccdkVi^kZ AZVYZgh]^e 8dc[ZgZcXZ#½ (' G^h^c\ id i]Z 8]VaaZc\Z 6 XdjeaZ¿h YgZVb ]Zaeh i]djhVcYh dkZgXdbZ WVgg^Zgh VcY Y^hVW^a^i^Zh () Ig^e d[ V A^[Zi^bZ EgZh^YZci^Va Idjg d[ CdglVn ]^\]a^\]ih (+H 6C9:GHDC