Brekke Tours & Travel 1-800-437-5302 Request a 2012 Brochure online! SCANDINAVIAN TOURS & CRUISES Splendor of Norway Tour A: June 11-19 Tour B: July 31-August 8 Optional extension on the Baltic Cruise available for Tour B Spectacular Norway Tour A: June 19-28 Tour B: July 16-25 Optional extensions to Northern Norway on board Hurtigruten Best of Norway Tour A: June 28-July 8 Tour B: July 7-17 Grandeur of Norway August 5-14 THEME TOURS Fantastic Norway The Land, The History, The People June 25-July 5 Travel to Bergen and Norway's impressive fjord country, Oslo, Hamar, Oppdal and Trondheim on this 11-day tour. Scandinavian Adventure June 27-July 10 Join Pastor Mark and Karen Halvorson from Phoenix, AZ on a 12-day tour of Norway and Sweden with an optional extension to Helsinki! Roots of Faith July 6-17 Gain a deeper understanding of the evangelical LQÀXHQFHV LQ WKH /XWKHUDQ IDLWK RQ WKLV WRXU through Norway. Enjoy daily commentaries from 3DVWRU 5REHUW /HH SDVW 3UHVLGHQW RI WKH $)/& Gudbrandsdalslag of America August 15-30 &RPPHPRUDWH WKHWK DQQLYHUVDU\ RI WKH Battle of Kringen and learn about traditions and life in Gudbrandsdal. Scandinavia Norway's Southern Pleasures July 11-22 Sogn/Voss/Valdres Heritage Tour July 16-28 Norway: Scenic & Historic July 22-August 2 Baltic Cruise Scandinavia / Germany / Russia August 8-19 Imperial St. Petersburg April-December Departures 5-day Visa-free cruise from Stockholm / Helsinki Norwegian Coastal Voyage Daily Departures Brekke's Fjord Retreat Year-round Rental Cabin in Norway's Fjord Country AMERICAN TOURS A Dakota Adventure August 26-September 1 /HDUQ DERXW KDSSHQLQJV LQ WKH 'DNRWDV DQG experience the rugged beauty of the " Wild West " with visits to Medora and the Black Hills. Offered as a post-tour following the Sons of Norway International Convention in Fargo Everyone welcome! Discover North Dakota & the Norsk Høstfest September 24-28 &HOHEUDWH WKH 6FDQGLQDYLDQ$PHULFDQ FXOWXUH DW WKH 1RUVN +¡VWIHVW WKH ODUJHVW Scandinavian festival in America! TTphoto / Shutterstock.com