7VgWVgV ;^hiZg ^h V a^WgVg^Vc Vich^YZ =^\]Zg :Y VcY A^WgVgn ?djgcVa# ;dg jeYViZh dc Xg^bZ È Xi^dc [gdb i]Z CdgY^X Xdjcig^Zh! [daadl ]Zg Wad\ Vi hXVcY^cVk^VcXg^bZÈ Xi^dc#ldgYegZhh#Xdb# ¼&'''½ Wn 6ccZ =dai HXg^WcZg! =VgYXdkZg! '%&& A train wreck on the route from Oslo to Bergen leaves unlucky passengers stranded in a blizzard at a hotel 1,222 meters above sea level. One of them is a murderer, and with the authorities delayed due to weather conditions, 10 K>@>C< ?JAN '%&' irascible wheelchair-bound ex-detective Hanne Wilhelmsen must reluctantly investigate. A cross between an Agatha Christie lockedroom mystery and a modern conspiracy thriller, this novel's chilling setting will be refreshing on a hot summer day. hdchd[cdglVn#Xdb ¼I]Z 7dn ^c i]Z Hj^iXVhZ½ Wn AZcZ @VVWZgW¬a VcY 6\cZiZ ;g^^h Hd]d! =VgYXdkZg! '%&& When Nina Borg retrieves a heavy suitcase from a Copenhagen train station locker for a friend, she's surprised to fi nd a small boy asleep inside. She knows criminals must be involved, but her work with immigrants leads her to fear Danish authorities will simply send the boy back to whatever desperate situation he came from. The story braids Nina's effort to protect the boy, his mother's attempts to fi nd him, and the actions 9dc¿i b^hh djg ZmeZgih¿ e^X`h [dg \gZVi cZl CdgY^X Wdd`h! eajh CdglZ\^Vc XaVhh^Xh [dg ndjg bjhi " gZVY a^hi# C:L CDG9>8 ;>8I>DC