" WE ARE GOING TO PICK POTATOES " NORWAY AND THE HOLOCAUST, THE UNTOLD STORY Irene Levin Berman thanks the Norwegian American Community for their interest in the book. The author is available in person for speaking events at groups around the country to tell her story. Contact Irene at Irenelberman@aol.com The book may be purchased through www.amazon.com or Barnes and Noble. Visit her web site at www.Norwayandtheholocaust.com Sons of Norway Foundation's Humanitarian Fund Thanks to your donations to the Humanitarian Fund, Sons of Norway members receive Helping Hands to Member Grants following natural disasters. Donations of $250 or more receive King Harald V medallions. Donate today at www.sonsofnorway.com/foundation " This 'untold story' about what happened to Norwegian Jews during the Holocaust, deserves to be told - and now it is. " - Elie Wiesel Odden's Rural Life Tours Travel with Phillip Odden & Else Bigton Phillip Odden & Else Bigton 20337 Ct. Rd. H, Barronett, WI 54813 Ph: 715 468 2780 email: nww@norskwoodworks.com www.norskwoodworks.com Visit Norway! August 9th through August 20th, 2013 Folk-Art, Fjords, Friends and Fun!http://www.amazon.com http://www.Norwayandtheholocaust.com http://www.sonsofnorway.com/foundation http://www.norskwoodworks.com