District 8 Norway Pictured: 1: Oseberg 1, Tonsberg-Members visit a local nursery to purchase an array of fl owers and plants for their gardens. 2: Ryfylke 23, Hjelmeland-Torleiv Helland and Astri and Eilert Lunde enjoy each other's company at the April lodge meeting. 3: District 8-District board members visit Granby Farm and the emigration museum during the meeting in Trondheim. Har du en profi l av et nytt eller nåværende medlem som du kan dele med oss? Har du lyst til å skrive om et fremtidig arrangement i lodgen eller distriktet? Del historien og du kan lese om det her! If you have a photo to share, please submit to: Tor Arild Halvorsen, Vice President Thorleif Robertsonsvie 5 * 4370 Egersund, Norway +47 41 20 37 16* tor.arild.halvorsen@dabb.no District 8 offi cers: Per Mikalsen, President Killegaardveien 1 * 4878 Grimstad, Norway +47 37 04 44 54 * per.mikalsen@gmail.com Harald N. Thygesen, Secretary Eigesvingen 7 * 4817 His, Norway +47 91 39 42 77 * harnorma@online.no Find more about District 8 at sonsofnorway8.com sonsofnorway.com VIKING AUGUST 2015 43 District and lodge board members from Norway's southeastern lodges gather to discuss the business of the district.http://www.sonsofnorway8.com http://www.sonsofnorway.com