Nancy Lorraine Jensen Memorial Scholarship This scholarship was created by Dr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Jensen in memory of their daughter, Nancy Lorraine Jensen, who was an aerospace engineer and chemist. It is awarded annually to young women, who wish to study physics, chemistry and/or chemical, electrical or mechanical engineering. For more information and to make a donation to the Sons of Norway Foundation, visit foundation. Orel and Marie Winjum Memorial Shiloh Curtis Massachusetts Institute of Technology Scholarship This scholarship is a loving tribute to Mr. and Mrs. Winjum, made possible by their family. The Winjums were fi rm believers in life-long learning and this award is open to American students of Norwegian or German heritage to study in the United States. Custom jewelry in silver and gold featuring Norwegian filigree, Nordic designs and Scandinavian gemstones by Debra Carus 971-221-8151 Kristin Jones Georgia Institute of Technology Everett Wegge University of Wisconsin-Platteville Call 800-227-6442 We also offer Food Service Packages! Oslo International Summer School Scholarship Awarded annually to help Sons of Norway members attend the University of Oslo for a six-week summer session, studies focus on Norwegian language and various aspects of Norwegian culture and society. Scandinavian & Cruise Specialists STRONG DOLLAR TRAVEL THIS YEAR Jonathan Grinde Oslo International Summer School Elizabeth Grossman Oslo International Summer School (800) 747-9093 SoN 6-50 CST 2064367-10 VIKING OCTOBER 2017 25