VOL. 116 NO. 1 Jan 28 32 20 Features 12 12 l Capital of Cool Exploring Oslo's neighborhoods 20 l In Search of Polar Bears An Arctic adventure in Svalbard 28 l Travel Like a Pro What to know before you go to Norway 32 l Joy Rides Norway's spectacular train journeys Departments 4 l Velkommen Skiing to Inspire 7 l Nordic Life 10 l Finance Taking care of business 37 l District Happenings 45 l In Loving Memory 46 l Q & A Ambassador Kåre R. Aas Cover photography by Gordon Bell / Shutterstock The mission of Sons of Norway is to promote and to preserve the heritage and culture of Norway, to celebrate our relationship with other Nordic countries, and provide quality insurance and financial products to its members. * Sons of Norways misjon er å fremme og ivareta norske kulturtradisjoner, å feire vårt forhold til andre nordiske land og samtidig tilby de beste forsikrings- og finansprodukter til våre medlemmer. PHOTOS BY (CLOCKWISE FROM TOP) ISTOCK, SHUTTERSTOCK, AF FOTOGRAFIE / ALAMY STOCK PHOTO, JENNIFER BUEGE 2019