3 THE ARCTIC GETS ITS NAME FROM THE GREEK WORD, ARKTOS ( " BEAR " )-BUT IT'S NOT ABOUT THE BEAR YOU THINK. The name refers to the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor (Great Bear and Little Bear), unique to northern skies. These constellations are considered circumpolar, meaning they situate around the North Pole and can be viewed from the Northern Hemisphere every night of the year. URSA MAJOR URSA MINOR 4 24 THE ARCTIC HOUSES MORE THAN A MILLION CROP/PLANT SEEDS INSIDE A VAULT DESIGNED TO STAND THE TEST OF TIME (AND DISASTER). Emerging out of a mountain more than 800 miles above the Arctic Circle is the world's largest seed storage facility. The Svalbard Global Seed Vault was created in 2008 by the Norwegian government to preserve the genetic biodiversity of our plant and food supply. The vault currently holds the seeds of more than a million crops and plants from around the world. February 2022 sonsofnorway.com 3+2726 วง&/2&.:,6( )520 723/()7 %< 6+877(5672&. 3+2726 7(5-(5$..( VISITHELGELAND.COM, '3$ 3,&785( $//,$1&( $/$0< 672&. 3+272http://www.VISITHELGELAND.COM