CULTURE CONNECTION RECIPE BOX Let's Make Havrefl arn-Oatmeal Lace Cookies Crisp, delicate and buttery, these cookies are delicious and only use a few staple ingredients. They are easy to stack and are perfect to take to a party or give as a hostess gift. Check out the Sons of Norway Recipe Box at, WR QG D JUHDW 1RUGLFLQVSLUHG UHFLSHV FROM THE ARCHIVES Check out the September 2018 issue of Viking for some great recipes that use one of Norway's most iconic cheeses-brunost. It's a versatile ingredient WKDW DGGV ULFKQHVV DQG DYRU WR ERWK VDYRU\ DQG VZHHW dishes. Digital editions are available at SHOW US YOUR VIKING Do you love Viking magazine? Show us! Send us a picture of you reading an issue of Viking from a Scandinavian-inspired location and tell us what you like about the magazine. You may see your picture here! Email us at Idea Bank: Interviewing Project Are you looking for ways to engage the young people in your lodge or family? Sons of Norway's ,GHD %DQN RĘ” HUV VHYHUDO LGHDV GHYHORSHG HVSHFLDOO\ for children. Unit 24, Preserving a Heritage, will bring together multiple generations. This unit, which IRFXVHV VSHFL FDOO\ RQ 7KH *UHDW 'HSUHVVLRQ VKRZV how young people can interview family members to capture important memories so they won't be forgotten. Find a list of interview questions and sample answers in the Idea Bank at 34 September 2022 sonsofnorway.com