Innovations-Magazine-April-2022 - 16

Lorri Walmsley, RPh, FAzPA
Vice President, Arizona State Board of Pharmacy
When were you appointed to
the Board of Pharmacy? Are you
a pharmacist, technician, public
member, or other type of member?
Governor Doug Ducey appointed me as a
pharmacist member in 2018. I currently serve
as vice president of the Board.
Arizona State Board
of Pharmacy
Number of Board
6 pharmacist members,
2 public members, and
1 pharmacy technician
Number of
Rules & Regulations
Established by
State Board of
Pharmacy (The Board
promulgates rules;
others review and
Number of
Pharmacist Licensees
Number of
Number of
In your opinion, what steps should
a board member take to be
successful in their role?
It is essential to listen to all stakeholders when
making decisions. Everyone has a different
perspective, and it is vital to consider all
viewpoints and evidence before making policy
decisions. As a board member, it is essential to
use evidence-based decision making to ensure
that you make decisions based on facts versus
feelings or what-if scenarios.
What are some recent policies,
legislation, or regulations your
Board has implemented or is
currently working on?
During the early phases of the coronavirus
disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, we
convened a task force consisting of several
board members and public stakeholders to
review what waivers, executive orders, or
guidance needed to be issued in response
to COVID-19. We are in the process of
considering which of these provisions should
be implemented permanently. Additionally,
we are in the early phases of a rule review and
revision process to update and modernize our
current rules.
Has the Board encountered
any challenges to developing
and/or implementing these new
policies, legislation, or regulations?
If so, explain.
Arizona has been under a rulemaking
moratorium for several years. While this
process has been very beneficial for reducing
administrative burdens for the practice, it has
also created challenges to quickly modifying
pharmacy practice to keep up with the rapidly
changing pharmacy environment.
14 | APRIL 2022
What advice would you give
to a new Board member?
Listening is critical to gain the perspective you
need to make good policy decisions for the
patients in your state. There is an important
balance we play to protect public safety, but
also to ensure that pharmacy services are as
broadly available as possible.
Have you served as a member of any
NABP task forces or committees, or
attended NABP or district meetings?
If so, in your experience, what are
the benefits of participating in these
NABP activities?
I have served on a number of committees
and task forces for NABP during my tenure
on the Board, including the Committee on
Constitution and Bylaws, the Committee
on Law Enforcement/Legislation, the
NABP District 8 Resolutions Committee,
and most recently, the Work Group to
Consider Permanently Extending Certain
Waivered Provisions. Attending the national
and district meetings is beneficial to gain a
broader perspective from outside your state.
Since being appointed to the Board, I have
participated in all national and Districts 6, 7,
and 8 meetings.
" Everyone has a different
perspective, and it is vital
to consider all viewpoints
and evidence before
making policy decisions. "


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Innovations-Magazine-April-2022

Innovations-Magazine-April-2022 - 1
Innovations-Magazine-April-2022 - 2
Innovations-Magazine-April-2022 - 3
Innovations-Magazine-April-2022 - 4
Innovations-Magazine-April-2022 - 5
Innovations-Magazine-April-2022 - 6
Innovations-Magazine-April-2022 - 7
Innovations-Magazine-April-2022 - 8
Innovations-Magazine-April-2022 - 9
Innovations-Magazine-April-2022 - 10
Innovations-Magazine-April-2022 - 11
Innovations-Magazine-April-2022 - 12
Innovations-Magazine-April-2022 - 13
Innovations-Magazine-April-2022 - 14
Innovations-Magazine-April-2022 - 15
Innovations-Magazine-April-2022 - 16
Innovations-Magazine-April-2022 - 17
Innovations-Magazine-April-2022 - 18
Innovations-Magazine-April-2022 - 19
Innovations-Magazine-April-2022 - 20