Innovations-Magazine-August-2022 - 8

Of the examinations NABP offers, none are more responsive and customizable
to individual jurisdictions than the Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence
Examination® (MPJE®). While other exams, such as the North American
Pharmacist Licensure Examination® (NAPLEX®) and the Foreign Pharmacy
Graduate Equivalency Examination® are focused on evaluating candidates'
general practice knowledge, the MPJE is unique. In almost every state, the
MPJE is the only licensure requirement that assesses candidates' knowledge
of state and federal laws and the ability to apply that knowledge in practice.
Because each jurisdiction's pharmacy practice laws and regulations vary,
MPJE content must be customized for each state and jurisdiction.
And, because laws and regulations can change, NABP and its member
boards ensure that each version of the MPJE is adaptable. For example,
when a test item is no longer relevant for a state, it can be quickly
removed from that state's MPJE. These traits make the MPJE a
complex examination, requiring significant oversight and maintenance,
perhaps even more than the Association's other high-stakes
examinations. NABP's decades of experience developing, securing,
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and administering high-stakes exams continues to ideally position
the Association to oversee the complex process of maintaining each
state-specific MPJE.
The MPJE Plays a Vital Safety Role
NABP has become aware of a misperception that a number of
states are considering eliminating or have eliminated jurisprudence
examinations as a requirement for licensure. Some conjectured
that this alleged trend was a result of jurisprudence examinations
state-specific LAWS
Agile, Essential
to Patient


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Innovations-Magazine-August-2022

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